Thursday, January 8, 2009

Phew! Made it!

Firmly ensconced in hotel room now and getting ready to bathe (OMG) and then run out for some additional toiletries. And then it's Operation Avoid Jetlag by doing something so OMGEXCITING that I do not fall asleep until an appropriate time.

I'm still trying to preserve laptop power juice so I'll try and make this brief.

First of all, very impressed with Heathrow. I'm as impressed with Heathrow as I am unimpressed with Dulles.

I had a middle seat on my flight and got pretty much no sleep. So I'm going on about 24 hours with no sleep now and we'll see if I can make it to 36.

I must however report the conversation I had with the border security chap. It was so LOL.

Me and Him: [various talk of passports and logistics and whatnot]
Him: And what hotel are you staying at?
Me: Travelodge in Farringdon
Him: Any reason you picked that one?
Me: Cheap.
Him: Is it close to things that you're doing?
Me: Well, we're seeing Hamlet on Saturday and it's close-ish to that.
Him: Is that why you came over?
Me: Well, that and sightseeing. Well, that. Yes.
Him [smirking]: Any particular actor you're coming to see?
Me: David Tennant!
Him: So you're a Doctor Who fan, are you?
Me: Oh yes.
Him: And Shakespeare?
Me: Oh yes! I was an English major, and, well, my name you see. It all kind of goes together.
Me and Him: [proceed to gossip about Doctor Who and David Tennant's career and the new Eleventh Doctor for like 5 minutes]
Him: And do you watch the spin off shows?
Me: Well, I kind of watch Torchwood, but it's not very good is it?
Him: No, it's not. Well, enjoy your stay in Great Britain!


The tube ride in to town was long but painless. I am a Scot so I of course refused to pay the 17 pounds for the Heathrow Express when I could use my already prepaid Oyster card for the tube. Finding my hotel was a bit of an ordeal, but only because the roads right outside of Kings Cross are completely mad. I found my way soon enough.

So, now to shower and make myself in to a human being again.

Also, check out this new review of Hamlet from the Telegraph:

"With not a single weak performance in the supporting roles, and a modern-dress staging by Gregory Doran that achieves the hurtling intensity of a thriller, this is now without doubt one of the finest productions of Hamlet I have ever seen, led by an actor of courage and charisma who has made a persuasive claim to true greatness."


Dr. J said...

Very glad to hear you made it and things when reasonably well. And it sounds like you are in for a treat on the 10th!
Love you,


Unknown said...

Enjoy! Glad to hear you're safe and sound... Can't wait to hear about the play!